Sunday, December 9, 2007

Amanda's 33 1/3 party

Our friends Mark and Amanda had a 33 1/3 birthday party for Amanda. The theme: albums. Everyone came as an album cover. I knew what cover I would be from the moment I head about the party. Matt picked his costume the night of. It was an incredibly fun party with some good costumes and Matt took a lot of pictures. Sadly, we didn't get every person's picture. But here are some highlights.

Matt's outer costume: 1/2 of the Comfort Eagle Album.

And his inner costume: Nelly. I did the tattoo in eyeliner.
Born to Run is one of my favorite albums of all time and I happen to own a saxophone, so I knew immediately I would be Clarence Clemons (he's actually on the back of the cover just over the fold.) I couldn't find the hat, but I borrowed one at the party.
When I got to the party it turned out that Mark, one of the hosts, had come as Bruce Springsteen from that same album. We took pictures AND won the costume contest. I've never won a costume contest before! My Kiss Clock (made from, what else? an album) will have a prominent place in my house.

This is the inset photo on the album, and a nice picture of Mark.

Amanda, she of the 33 1/3 birthday, channeled Patti Smith.

This was Matt's favorite costume--also the album cover he was threatening to come as all week. "She worked with what she had." was his comment.

Best "get to dress like normal, mostly" costume.
Here are Dolly Parton and Jimmy Buffett

Hafidha came as the room on the cover of The Stranger.

Devo's iconic hat.

Everyone oooohed over this cover. And the parasol.

Have a lot of white? Come as the White Album.

This was my favorite labor intensive costume. How did he get the lines so straight?
Pink Floyd has some very iconic images as was evidenced at this party. Five people came as something Pink Floyd-esqe.

I voted for this costume, also very get-to-look-normal-while-channeling-the-album.

Three people came as Dark side of the moon. We only have two pictures, though.

I loved the way these people entirely channeled their album covers.

There were a few literal interpretations. On the left, Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy. On the right, Poison's Look What the Cat Dragged In.

Sabrina wins the prize for heaviest prop.

Amanda did a lot of prep. There were prizes for the best costumes. She made bowls out of albums. There were also a million album ornaments to take home as party favors.

If you need to have your own record album bowl, Amanda says to turn the oven on to 200 degrees, then put the album over another bowl and it will turn all flimsy and bowl shaped. You can also mold them into different shapes.


  1. OMG! What a great idea! How do people come up with such ingenious party ideas and wonderful costumes! The Nirvana one is great (Matt has a point about her working it). Matt's Nelly impression is pretty good too. Your ability to do eye-liner tattoo work could come in handy as a future career! :) I also like that your sax got to come out and go to the party too! Clever! :) -S

  2. The Devo guy said that he had a friend who worked with the band and that they, like he, used grey masking tape to hold the helmets to their heads.
    Two people came in sweaters and said that they were all folk musicians.

  3. This is awesome!!! Thank you so much for putting this together. It's a great birthday gift! And I know winning the costume contest made Mark's week.

    The Devo guy actually knows Devo's drummer, who gave him an actual Devo hat.

    Have great holidays and I'll talk to you all soon!

