Monday, December 31, 2007

Shelf Building Extravaganza Day 6.

Day six saw the end of SBE, and lots and lots of toggle bolts.

The Kitchen before:
The Kitchen with completed shelves:
The dining nook before:
I worked all day on these shelves, installing the side braces and making sure that everything was level. Then I went to put in the shelves and discovered two things. There were only four shelves, not five, and they were all a bit too long.

I had to wait until Matt got home to help me shave on the ends of the shelves and in the meantime, I obsessed about what could have happened to the fifth shelf. Did it get cut into another size shelf? Did I just not cut one of that size? How could that be? I was so careful.

Matt came home and we cut the four shelves. I planned on getting a smaller piece of particle board and cutting a new shelf, but really, this was just troubling.

I started to clean everything up, and "oh there it is!" found the other shelf sitting in a different part of the house. We cut that one down and, FINISHED!
Now comes the much less exiting shelf painting extravaganza. I'm not really looking forward to that.

Tools. It helps to have a lot of tools. If you don't have a lot of tools, it helps to know someone with a lot of tools to borrow from. Below are all the tools I borrowed from my brother/Aunt Pat to get the job done. From the top:
Two ladders, two extension cords, two drills, drill bits, sander, eye goggles, hammer, level, square and four foot level.
Below are some of my own tools I used: level, hammer, two measuring tapes, needle nose pliers, a lot of pencils, hacksaw, extension cord, stud finder, screw divers, drill, drill bits.
It was a lot of work, but fun and I'm happy to have done it. It does limit my current conversational ability. "What have you been up to?" "Building shelves." "Oh."

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