Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Matt dodges a bullet.

Matt got this letter in the mail the other day:


To: Matt Johnston

Re: Certification Eligibility Matter/Ethics Disclosure Requirement/Notice of Review/ Johnston, Matthew

Dear Mr. Johnston,

Please accept this correspondence as notice of my review of your ethics disclosure related to your NCC credentialing application. I have considered your written statement in which you disclosed that you were convicted of jaywalking in 1996. With respect to this conviction, you stated that certain sanctions and conditions were issued by the Court, and that you satisfied the related sentences and requirements.

Based on my review, I have determined that there is no cause to conduct an additional formal ethics investigation in light of the length of time that has passed since this conviction, the nature of the offense, and your compliance with Court-ordered requirements. This determination is based solely on the information you have provided. NBCC is assuming that your disclosure is accurate and complete in all respects.

Your certification application will be returned to the Credentialing Department for further processing and future inquiries regarding the status of your application should be directed to that office.

Thank you for your honesty and professionalism in reporting this information

Sincerely yours,

Holly J. Hartwig Moorhead Ph.D., NCC, LPC(NC), PCCs(OH)
NBCC Ethics Officer.

My favorite part? The string of letters after her name.
My second favorite part? "no cause to conduct an additional formal ethics investigation"
hee hee

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part...the conviction for jaywalking...I was reading through the letter trying to figure out what nefarious and illicit activity Matt had been involved in previously. I think jaywalking certainly keeps him out of the nefarious activity watch! -S
