Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Matt's Party - SCRAP

For a good time, go to SCRAP. http://www.scrapaction.org/
They provide scrap materials which can be used for parties such as mine.
I went in there, willing to blow $50 for a really wild time. I got 3 grocery bags worth of stuff and it all came to $13.65!!!!
So, here is the assemblage table, where people made collages. You can see the greeting cards, thin paper, metal tubes, cloth, and then we provided glue and scissors. Here is the fingerpaint table. Look very closely and you can see that there is some artwork that has already been completed. SCRAP provided art already done by other people more talented than me! See the soft landscape there in the blue frame? Remember it for later...
Also, I found stamps, one of which said "Merry Christmas! To: From:" and another that said "Caitlin". Then there was stuff from SCRAP that just looked funny. Like this.

And this...
And this...
I think Laurie colored this. She read that mentalists can taste and touch from far away. And then there was this. I have no idea what it is. It is not a pen. It's just a pointed piece of wood on the other end. Most everyone was disturbed by it, including the person who sold it to me. It said Thailand on it.
More pix to come.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! I want to go to SCRAP and load up on goodies for a collage project in my classroom. Too bad they don't ship. The website is very cool and has some great links to sustainable living and local sights (even a link to the story of stuff...). I am wondering if the disturbing thing is a cat toy. We have lots of long ribbon-like things attached to sticks for Archie to chase. Just an idea! S
