Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Post-Bush predictions

Hey, one night in April 2008 I asked people what they thought the biggest difference in the world after Bush was out of office would be.
Here's what they said:
Matt: nuclear will be pronounced noo-klee-urr (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/metathesis)
CJ: deficit reduction
Mitchell: bumper stickers reduction
Ben: Black guy in office
Andrea: other countries will stop laughing
Nicole: no more rain
Ramon: zero will start with "z" no longer
Mary: turn into a socialist nation
Chris: formal signing of surrender paper to "terror" (as opposed to terrorists)
Matt: along with its allies "anxiety" and "despair"
Patricia: adoption of metric system
Pat: nothing

Were you right?

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee!!! So far, it means I don't have to turn off the radio and the TV when I hear the voice of our president! -S
