Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seed starting

It's a little early in the year, but garden fever has hit me. I spent this afternoon starting seeds.

I love these peat pots, just because they inflate when you just add water.

I still haven't found a good way of taking notes about what I plant. This year, I'm trying the index card.

Here are my index cards all lined up with their seed packets.

I made these flags with toothpicks and masking tape to mark the peat pots.

Here are my tomatoes.

I also am experimenting with a new way of marking what was planted. These markers will go under an empty peanut butter jar for protection from the elements.

Here is everything in one pile ready to go in the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent pre-planning in February. I am impressed with a) your green thumb and b) your foresight! Can't wait to see the fruits of your labor.
