Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Chair

Our friends Burt & Laurie were giving away this chair and we took it. It's a really nice leather chair in a color of blue that somewhat goes with our decor. Having grown up sitting on "pleather" in various places--though not my home because my mother hated it, for good reason--I've always thought leather was hot and sticky and uncomfortable. I've recently figured out that leather and pleather are two entirely different substances. One of my colleages has a leather couch I wanted to sit in forever. So I liked the chair. But would the cats?

About 30 minute after the chair arrived Sentinel--who doesn't like change of any kind--hopped up and I got one "yes" vote.

After Sentinel had vacated his post, Antares cast his vote in favor of the new furniture.
So now we have everyone in agreement. And because this is a house with cats, the pristine leather was marred a few days later in the course of the cats "chase each other around the house like mad kitties" game. The arms now have scratches in them from the cats jumping up and across them. And I learned that I probably can't have cats and a luxurious leather couch that I pay a lot of money for. So I will have to enjoy fancy leather couches elsewhere. It was good to learn that on a free chair.


  1. Here here! Looks like a good place to curl up and read!

  2. And leather does pass the cat hair conundrum.
