Friday, December 17, 2010

White Elephant

We attended a white elephant gift exchange hosted by the lovely Heidi and Kevin. We came home with assorted white elephant things including a Sushi making kit and a lobster magnet and a beautiful ugly clock/lamp combo. Better, Heidi and Kevin sent us home with Pickles--dill and sweet--two bottles of homemade Bella Beer and zucchini ginger relish. Mmmmm-mmmm.


  1. Very fun! I love a good white elephant. For some reason they are called Yankee swaps here - and that just refers to the exchanging - not the white elephant nature of the gift. Was it that way when you were in MA? It is often my NEern friends who say it - not Southerners! Would be a fun obscure doctoral study to see where these things historically and linguistically came from!
