Sunday, August 18, 2013

Room transformed

It's still a work in progress, but here we are at the end of the weekend.

From the door, you can see the new shelves and bookshelves, as well as the side of the stand-up desk (a.k.a. the sideboard).
From the outside door corner you can see how there is suddenly room for a full-sized bed, which will be coming eventually.
From the closet door corner you can see half of the sideboard/desk and the small shelf for storage.  Also pictured is the other set of shelves.
From what was the desk corner, you can see the shelf for the monitor, as well as how the two upper shelves come together.
However, Internet configurations require me to switch around my room now.  Here are the before shots.

From the inner door corner.
From the outer door corner.
The closet door corner.
And the remaining corner.

"After" shots coming eventually.


  1. Now that I see it all put together, it makes sense. That's a lot of shelving, but it seems like he needed it. Job well done!

  2. I love hour progress. So fun to mix things up!!!
