Sunday, July 27, 2014

PAE's Midsummer Night's Dream

I forgot my camera (pfffffttt!) and so these were quickly snapped with the cell phone.  

Pre-production we had music, a lovely roving accordion.  

Early on, we can see the players, and Hermia and Demetrius.  It was handy that Hermia/Lysander, Helena/Demetrius were color coded, costume-wise.  The players are being paparazzi, because the Theseus and Hippolyta were on stage.
This was a fun production with good players (always important) and an excellent disrobing/fight scene between Hermia and Helena.  Puck had a great costume too.


  1. I always enjoy seeing how theater companies reset and interpret this play. It is so adaptable to different time periods and situations that it makes it excited to see any new version. And the play is such a delight that I would enjoy seeing any version of it.

  2. Woo hoo! And there we are, all commented up before the computer gets packed and before you leave for the great center of the US. We will be so much closer when you and in KS and I get to MN. So close, and yet...

  3. Roving accordion, eh? Did he play anything that you recognized? And was he part of the company or just some random guy who brought his accordion to the event (I could totally see that happening in PDX).

  4. He didn't play anything I recognized, but he was one of the players. He played one of the cast of the play within a play.
