Friday, July 4, 2014

Vintage Cakes Champagne Cake

A delicious white champagne cake with champagne custard filling and champagne whipped cream frosting.  It was served with an assortment of berries.

I'm not the biggest fan of custard-filled cakes, but I think that might be because I rarely have home-made custard cakes, just ones from the store.  The homemade is a totally different experience.


  1. How lovely. Next time I request a slice shot. I want to see that lovely custard filling. :)

  2. I purposely didn't take a slice shot, because I tinted the cake batter pink and didn't like how it turned out. It will be an all-white cake if I make it in the future.

  3. It looks beautiful! So simple and classic. I gather from the name that it actually tastes like champagne? I'm intrigued. I'm not a big fan of champagne but I think I'd have to at least try a cake flavored like it.

  4. Thank you! Champagne flavors the cake, custard and frosting. It did give a delicate flavoring to the cake that was fun.
