Friday, August 29, 2014

Last days of the Neon

Well, say goodbye to this lovely 1988 Dodge Neon, which my mother bequeathed to us but which has now been replaced by a Subaru Forester. Neon, you were a very good car.


  1. Did it have a name, faithful Neon?

  2. Neither Matt nor my mother is in the habit of naming cars. So no name for this one. If it were my car it would have been something sort of 80s like Lacy or Amber. Or maybe something flamboyant woman of a certain age like Gwendolyn.

  3. Your sad. Imagine how I feel. That was truly my car, and I loved it. I had many adventures in it, and it never failed me. Too sad. MOM

  4. Tiffany. That's a great 1980s name for a car. So long, Neon! You were loved.

  5. I like alliterative names. Nina the Neon sounds good. Too bad, but I know not everyone names. And I think I misspelled Lexie. :)
