Sunday, July 19, 2015

Kantor-O'Neil Wedding

The Kantor-O'Neil partnership has been going strong for 27 years.  But now that they can be legally married, they decided to make it official. (Again.  They married in 2004, during the brief period when gay marriage was legal in Multnomah County. Those marriages were voided, paperwork-wise.) 

It was a very hot day, so we hung out in the reception space before going out to the dock where the wedding was.  This gave me the opportunity of taking some establishing shots.

The cupcake cakes.

Beautiful lanterns in the wedding colors.
(Which were not, despite my suggestion, Blush and Bashful)

On the dock where the ceremony was performed, all seats had fans.  This proved to be a very good thing as it was over 90 degrees.

The cantors (they had two) prep the wine glasses and the couple's children are holding the chuppah.  (The back of the chuppa was held by a niece and nephew of the bride and bride.)

The brides approach the chuppah.

I enjoy taking shoe shots at weddings.

I was impressed that the photogrpaher managed to get her name on both her front half (via a name tag) and her back half (on the bag.)

One of the couple's daughters.  She's got a mosquito bite from the party the night before. I had a massive mosquito bite, bigger than a fried egg, from that same party.

Detail shot of the couple's other daughter.


After being wrapped in the shawl.

Breaking the glass.

Inside and cooled off, we ate dinner and had cake and toasts.  Then it was time for dancing.


  1. It looks like it was such a beautiful wedding. Too bad about the heat. That is certainly unexpected and hard to plan for when prepping for the wedding. I always love those sweet traditional elements of weddings, like the shawl and the breaking of the glass. It just adds such a nice touch to any ceremony!

  2. Yay, I'm so glad they were finally able to legally marry! Looks like it was a lovely wedding. All of your shots are great. Was the cupcake cake as delicious as it looks?

  3. It was delicious. And the food in general was great.
