Self portrait. In that program in front of Matt's mouth you can read a short synopsis, which I will make even shorter. A family--husband, wife, twin sons, twin servants--were separated tragically 25 years ago in a shipwreck. Since that time, father, son and servant, Aegeon, Antipholus and Dromio of Ephesus, have searched for the mother and twin brothers. Upon landing in Syracuse Aegeon is arrested, as no one from Syracuse is allowed in Ephesus. Will Aegeon be put to death? And why do people keep saying strange things to Antipholus and Dromio?

Aside from the excellent acting, I was enchanted with the Edwardian bathing costumes. Here, Lindsay Fischer (Luciana) and Margaret Darling (Adriana)--rock their pink and yellow costumes.

Jon Lakey (Antipholus of Syracuse) and Gildevin Jagudajev (Dromio of Ephesus) talk past each other. At this point Antipholus is about to be taken away by the Doctor/Conjurer.

The Abbess (Christine Shields) forgoes a bathing costume but does shelter one half of the embattled Anthpholus and Dromio.

Now I just have to figure out where I can wear an Edwardian bathing costume. Then I have to make one.
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