Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lake Haiyaha to Bear Lake (2.3 miles) via Dream & Nymph Lakes.

The hike to Bear Lake was a bit of a slog. I kept reminding myself to have correct posture, as I was prone to slumping, and Matt spent a lot of time discussing what "wind" he was on.

Matt points to Dream Lake and Nymph Lake.

Matt at Dream Lake

Portrait at Nymph Lake. This was my favorite lake.
It had lily pads and lots and lots of dragon flies.

We almost didn't go to Bear Lake because we were tired. But it was 256 feet from where we were standing so we made the effort. Matt refused to "be a bear" for his photo.

But I was a great bear.

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

Totally fun and completely gorgeous! Way to bear with it!