June 1 was a cold and dreary day. My cute dress was exchanged for a warmer outfit and Matt and I picked up the Zipcar and headed to Lewis and Clark for his graduation.
The people behind us arrived early to save seats for their relatives. They had an ingenious way of keeping the row open.
After a very long wait, in a very cold room the ceremony started. There was a piper (blurry figure to the right) and the flag. After that came the faculty and then the graduates.
Chris Crutcher was the speaker! Chris Crutcher was the speaker! I've loved his books since I was a teenager and his speech didn't disappoint, either.
Matt, post degree awarding, with his advisor.
Matt with his mother, and degree.
We're all happy!
Matt and Jeff, who graduated last year.
Jocelyn is also happy!
The sheep! Heidi, Jeff, Matt and Ramon.
Matt and Joshin
A blurry picture of C.J., her friends and her husband.
YAY!! Thanks for more pictures! Love the place-holder Barbies! :) -S