Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Beary Merry Christmas: Decembear 20

Intro is here

Ah, we get ever closer to the Christmas date and "He" bear is wasting time in the kitchen!  It's not in the oven, it's not in the cookie jar, it's not going to be on the kitchen cabinet.  Guess what you dumb bear.  Based on the pattern we have established so far, if Christmas isn't in the first place we've looked in a room, it's not going to be in other places in the room.  Move on, "He" bear, move on!
Also, you seem to have a mouse problem. Unless you are okay with mice in your kitchen?


  1. That's a rather large mouse. I'm a little frightened. I guess it's so large because they let it get in the cookie jar all the time.

  2. Oh, everyone's a critic! Bertrand is very thorough! Come on, he's a regular Sherlock bear. Perhaps all of the time he takes is for major cogitating. Thoroughness and perseverance are virtues!

  3. Oh, everyone's a critic! Bertrand is very thorough! Come on, he's a regular Sherlock bear. Perhaps all of the time he takes is for major cogitating. Thoroughness and perseverance are virtues!
