Inspired by the two "pub quizzes" that I attended at my church, I decided to throw a pub quiz of my own to celebrate 10 years in Portland.
Every pub should have good beer, and the people at New Seasons made sure I had a good variety.
The pub also served wine, both in glasses and solo cups.
There were four varieties of popcorn and both salted and unsalted peanuts.
People arrived, teams were formed and names were chosen.
The initial 20 questions (with 8 bonus questions) were read and the teams set to work.
Here the Trail Tigers (Drinda, Mary, George, Kelly & Margaret) ponder.
Total Domination (Blu, Heidi, Lee, Kristen & Julie) wonders what the answers could be.
The Droopy Dogs (Carol, Heidi, Joshin, Mitchell & C.J.) contemplate answers.
Behind them, you can barely see Home Team Advantage (Matt, Amber, Tyler & Geoff) thinking.
The Wasabi Honey Bears (Pat, Kevin, Deborah & Bahar) are deep in thought.
Team Slytherin (Sabrina, Burt, Kelly, Laurie, & Shan) retreated to another part of the house to think and answer.
After the initial round of quiz questions, teams set to work coloring, while I corrected their answer sheets. We had 10 song id's (5 from musicals, 5 more, one from each decade 50s through 90s) and a "dreaded fill in the blank."
In the end, Total Domination did just what their name said and took home first prize.
Prizes were the three listed, as well as the choice of bringing home all the excess alcohol.
It was a very fun celebration.
Incidentally, Total Domination chose the scratch tickets. They were quite involved in scratching them, but no one on the team actually took any home. I cashed them in and got $20.00! It was a prize for me too!
Do you want to take the pub quiz? Questions begin