Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Compost! The Musical!

Can any noun be made to sound like a cheesy musical just by adding an exclamation point and the phrase "The Musical!" after it? Shall we try it? The Internet has once again amazed me. "I wonder if there is a random noun generator on the Internet?" I'm thinking as I am typing "random noun generator" And lo, I Googled, and lo there was.

Glove! The Musical!
Allegation! The Musical!
Regular! The Musical!
Reservation! The Musical!
Photograph! The Musical!
Card! The Musical!
Banner! The Musical!
Syntax! The Musical!
Classification! The Musical!
Newspaper! The Musical!
Peasant! The Musical!

I think, yes. The last three in particular sound great.

Did I have a point? Oh yes, compost. Here's a pile that I've been somewhat making. I'm not a very good hot compost maker, but I did attempt it this summer. I would like two bins with somewhat level floors and ideally a chicken coop on top. But I just have yard. So I've been trying to use that.
What I've been doing is filling our official "bin" with kitchen scraps and straw. Then, after that has had a chance to mellow for a bit, I take that mixture and layer it with more browns and wet the whole thing down . When I do this, the compost happens a lot more quickly. However, it's more work than putting it in the bins and leaving it, plus, I don't often have very large amounts of kitchen waste at once. The other thing I need is a compost sifter. I know I can make one easily, I just haven't. Soon.

ps. The random noun generator website is fabulous. Aside from random noun, it can generate a random phrase or sentence or paragraph. And it has a name finder named Monika. Very fun.


Sara K. said...

a) I wish we had a county compost that I could send my kitchen scraps to

b) I love composting and wish we had a balcony so I could give it a try - throwing my scraps away so wantonly is very hard!

c) I am totally using that word generator with my kids!

Sara K. said...

PS-Yay November! You are making progress!

I have hit an 'i don't really want to blog anymore' phase - not that I don't want to have a blog at all - just that I am not in the mood to do the work. MEH!