Saturday, March 13, 2010


Chickens aren't going to work in our tiny yard, so I'm thinking about bees. Rather than spend three years thinking I'm going to read up on the subject, I paid $35.00 to take a class at Garden Fever and taught by Glen Andreson. I learned a lot and at the end, we got to go to Glen's house and see his bee set up.

I can see the appeal of bees, they are fascinating to watch. Something about the masses of them is very compelling.

Here are Glen's mason bee houses he made. I would like to put up some of those before I get the Belgian Fence put in.

I got stung. I've not been stung by a bee before and I've always worried that I'm one of those "dead in five minutes" people and don't know it. So when I was stung, I figured I was in a pretty good place, what with all the other classmates around me to call 911. I got a huge rush of adrenaline, and my knee was hot and swollen for a few days, but I was still able to breathe normally.
I came home and Matt told me he is allergic to bee stings, so we won't be having any bees, either. Alas. Its just a worm box for us.

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

So cool! I love the idea of having bees. Too bad about Matt's allergy. It was a great plan and looks like a wonderful class.