Friday, February 10, 2012

Mom's birthday: shadow pie and UNO

It's my mom's birthday today and so my Aunt made her favorite: Shadow Pie. Shadow pie is chocolate pudding and whipped cream in a pie crust. I've queried my family as to this pie's origins and just done a quick search on google and found nothing, so I'm thinking this might have either been an invention of my grandmother, or perhaps a recipe on the side of some box.

Then we played UNO for points and you can see (if you are hip to the family initials) in whose favor the cards were working. Note that in UNO you win if you have the fewest points.

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

Sounds like a great time. I like that you have a family pie mystery! And no one let your mom win on her birthday, not even her sister! I am hip to the initials!!! :) Poor Chris!

On a side note - these woogly letters are from Hades!