So now we have that fun combination of slushy, icy, dirty snow. It is a pain to walk through and hard to drive in, as these ruts attest.

You know what else makes it hard to walk? The fact that people have walked on
unshoveled sidewalks which have now frozen, melted a bit and refrozen and are a slippery mess. What would their sidewalks look like right now if they had shoveled soon after the snow had fallen? Glad you asked.

They would be a wet, but not icy or snowy, easily traveled surface.

Portlanders with sidewalks, I know snow doesn't happen often. But when it does, please, please,
please shovel your walks.
Ca-Razy! That is how I felt walking around CdA today...slush and mucky snow has to go! Everyone has shoveled and snowblown...but there is just no place for the sanow to go! Sheesh there is a lot of snow here....and predictions of another storm to come! -S
that would be snow not snaow!
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