We gathered at Council Crest Park to celebrate the longest day of the year by watching the Original Practice Shakespeare do a special bawdy Midsommer Nights Dreame.
What time could it be, on this, the longest day of the year? Did you guess 9:18 PM? If so, you guessed correctly!
The key to a happy viewing of a very long play that begins at dusk? A lot of layers.

This was a huge cast and was a fun presentation. My favorite part was the double casting of Clara-Liis Hillier AND Kaia Hillier as Puck. My favorite audience comment about the sisters? "It's like they when they were four years old." They were full of fun.
This was a huge cast and was a fun presentation. My favorite part was the double casting of Clara-Liis Hillier AND Kaia Hillier as Puck. My favorite audience comment about the sisters? "It's like they when they were four years old." They were full of fun.
our june 21 at dusk did not require so much bundling. it looks so dang chilly. hope that didn't detract from the show.
-from the ee cummings version of sara k
Hahaha, why does Kelly look like she wants to kill you in that photo?
She apparently hadn't quite gotten her smile on yet.
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