It is a hot day (for Portland.) Matt has the day off, I'm on vacation. Off we go to Blue Lake Park for some swimming and hanging out. Blue Lake Park is in
Fairview which is "East County" out past the airport. It's easy to get to, especially from our house and also the site of the Blue Lake
Triathalon, where I completed a sprint distance Triathlon in 2006. We both brought goggles and were ready to swim.
Alas, it turns out that there isn't really swimming to be done at Blue Lake Park unless you own one of the houses on the other side of the lake. All the "swimmers" are wedged into a small shallow area.

Are three books enough to last me the afternoon? I hope so.

Another look at the tiny swimming area. On the right: vast stretches of "good swimming." On the left: tiny actual "swimming" area.

Matt started to read
A Comedy of Errors, but quickly succumbed to sleep.

Refreshed, we took a self portrait.

Metro has a very nice demonstration garden on site.

There is a big splash pool area to play in.

So we didn't swim, though we did go wade in the water for awhile. It was still a nice day, but I can cross yet another potential swimming hole off the list. Portland is not a good place for swimming holes. I think I blame the
Missoula Floods? We got a nice gorge, but not many lakes and ponds.
Despite the lack of swimming, looks like a very fun day. And nice to have a day that actually feels like summer!
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