Our Kitchen also has a small window like the one in the
bathroom. I saw a great idea in a "window treatment" book that would get the blind off of there with a minimum of fuss. So I went for it. It turned out to be a work in progress.

The idea is that you just get a tension rod to fit the window then loop a "pretty dish towel" over the rod and voila! No-sew curtains. I set off for Fred Meyer for a tension rod and a pretty dish towel. Preferably orange.
Well, Fred Meyer does have its limits. I got the tension rod okay, but their selection of dish towels leaned toward utilitarian rather than pretty. And there was no orange. Imagine that! So I got black.

The result is a bit heavy, but I'm going with the MAunts wandering this weekend and maybe something will jump out at me. In the meantime, we have low cost curtains that can revert back to hand towels when I find what I'm looking for.

p.s. People who notice these things might note that in the bathroom window entry I counted that there were "13 to go" in the shade department. I'm not sure how I came to that number as we only have 12 windows in the house. 10-to-go is the correct number of windows in our house currently covered by blinds.
1 comment:
Minus the Darth Vader-like feel that they bring to the kitchen, these are really awesome! I love how quick and easy they are....AND reusable! How green! :) -S
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