Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Competely car free.

We've been car-free since the summer, but Matt's car, a silver Ford Taurus has been sitting in front of our house since that time, waiting for something to happen to it. That thing happened last night. After calling several auto repair shops for advice, Matt decided not to pursue repairing the...shoot. I forgot what. Something that costs a lot. I'll update this part later. Last night, the tow truck came and hauled the Taurus away. Matt will get a tax write off, some charity will do something with the car and we will continue on our car-free way for the time being.

It was a bit sad. The Taurus was a college graduation gift from Matt's grandparents. We drove a lot of places in that car together and sometimes took car-free couples we know to parties, etc. I used to borrow it to drive to Fred Meyer for supply shopping every once in awhile. It was our escape-to-the-Beach safety valve. I used to like to tell the story of an early period in our relationship when I was listing the reasons why I liked Matt:

"You are cute. You are nice. You have a car."

"Having a car is third?" Matt screeched. I told him that he didn't have a car, so he didn't know how convenient it was to have a boyfriend with a car.

Now Flexcar is my "boyfriend" and we are truly car free. It saves a lot of money, but isn't quite the same.

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

I was never more bummed than when we gave up and brought our car out here. We really tried to go car-free...but Shawn doesn't work in the city. Such a bummer!

Flexcar is a great boyfriend though! Will it take on the Zip Car name now that they have merged? That merger is really good for DC-ites because Zip was pretty big here...though we are hoping that prices don't go up too much. We rarely use our memberships now...sob! -S