Sunday, August 8, 2010

Matt and Patricia go to Ariel & Ben's Wedding. Part I

The summer of weddings continues with Ariel & Ben's wedding. I work with Ariel and was very excited to attend this wedding.

At first, Matt and I were in the shade. "Thank goodness we are in the shade." I thought, feeling smug, because the people to our right were in the sun. My smugness was short-lived, because the sun does move and soon enough we were the people to our right in the sun. Happily, the sun moved even more and we were back in the shade when the ceremony started.

Building the chuppah.

Ariel's mother died from cancer a few years ago, and has been missed by all who knew her. The spirit of her mother was invoked when the ceremony began and friends of her mother put the tallit on the poles.

After that, important friends of the couple were invited to decorate the chuppah

Which was lovely.

While the decoration and chuppah adjustment was going on, Matt and I had time for a picture.

Ben and Ariel wait for the chuppah to be ready.

During the ceremony, people were invited up to give blessings or good wishes to the couple. Allegra, another of my coworkers, read a Jewish blessing.
This was a very sweet portion of the ceremony, which I took no more pictures of. The couple was married to great cheer.

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

I have never been to a Jewish wedding. I have seen how beautiful chuppahs can be. I love the idea of your loved ones and special friends building the chuppah for you. Lovely! And oh that rascally sun!