Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Beary Merry Christmas: Decembear 6

Intro is here
And here is where I lose all respect for "He" bear.

He has been looking on the front porch for an entire day and never thinks to look under the mat?  Also, there is no doormat pictured. You don't even get to move the damn bear much, just shuffle him to the other side of the porch.
I do find myself rather entranced with the gingerbread detail on the front porch.  Nicely done, unknown artist.


balyien said...

Hey, haven't you ever seen those pictures of UPS guys leaving huge boxes with the doormat dropped over them? There very well could have been a box of Christmas hidden underneath He-bear's non-existent doormat.

Patricia said...

We used to have smart package delivery people who would set things on the porch. But now we have them doing things like putting stuff under the doormat. I don't know what happened.

Sara K. said...

Oh, dear, Bertrand does not get to go into the house yet. I was hopeful!